GSO 2374:2014

CAC/GL 32:1999
Gulf Standard · Edition 1   Current Edition · Approved on 02 April 2014

Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods

GSO 2374:2014 Files

Arabic 57 Pages
Current Edition
67.0 USD
English 48 Pages
Current Edition Reference Language
64.0 USD

GSO 2374:2014 Scope

1.1 This standard apply to the following products which carry, or are intended to carry, descriptive labelling referring to organic production methods: 1.1.1 unprocessed plants and plant products, livestock and livestock products to the extent that the principles of production and specific inspection rules for them are introduced in Annexes 1 and 3; and 1.1.2 processed agricultural crop and livestock products2 intended for human consumption derived from (1.1.1) 1.2 A product will be regarded as bearing indications referring to organic production methods where, in the labelling or claims, including advertising material or commercial documents, the product, or its ingredients, is described by the terms “organic”, “biodynamic”, “biological”, “ecological”, or words of similar intent including diminutives which, in the country where the product is placed on the market, suggests to the purchaser that the product or its ingredients were obtained according to organic production methods

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