GSO IEC TR 62757:2023

IEC TR 62757:2015
Gulf Standard   Current Edition · Approved on 10 September 2023

Fire prevention measures on converters for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems, static var compensators (SVC) and flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) and their valve halls

GSO IEC TR 62757:2023 Files

English 65 Pages
Current Edition Reference Language

GSO IEC TR 62757:2023 Scope

IEC TR 62757:2015(E), which is a technical report, deals with fire prevention measures on converters and their valve halls for high voltage direct current (HVDC) systems, static VAR compensators (SVC) and flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS). It is intended to be primarily for the use of the utilities and consultants who are responsible for issuing technical specifications for new converter valves and valve halls. It concerns fire incidents in HVDC projects using line commutated converters (LCC) or voltage sourced converter (VSC) technology and it is from these projects that most examples of fires and fire incidents are taken. This technical report also addresses converter valves and valve halls for SVC and FACTS. This technical report provides general recommendations to be considered while preparing specifications for these systems. Specific requirements for a particular project need to be clearly specified and mutually agreed upon between the supplier and the purchaser.

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