GSO OIML R111-1:2007

OIML R111-1:2004
Gulf Standard   Current Edition · Approved on 26 September 2007

Weights of classes E1, E2,F1,F2,M1,M1-2,M2,M2-3 and M3 Part 1: Metrological and Technical requirements

GSO OIML R111-1:2007 Files

Arabic 114 Pages
Current Edition
English 75 Pages
Current Edition Reference Language

GSO OIML R111-1:2007 Scope

1.1 This Recommendation contains technical (e.g. principal physical characteristics) and metrological requirements for weights used: • As standards for the verification of weighing instruments; • As standards for the verification or calibration of weights of a lower accuracy class; • With weighing instruments.

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